About Atmatva

Live empowered. Live inspired. Live energised.

Centre for Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga practices. Affiliated to the MCKS YVPHT, New Delhi.

Atmatva means the ‘essence’ of life. With a vision to spread well-being and happiness, and a belief that life is a continuous journey of discovery, of evolving, learning and re-learning, Atmatva is here to revolutionize your life and assist you in discovering your true potential.

Discover, Heal and Evolve with Atmatva.

At the heart of everything we do are the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui (the founder of Modern Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga). We are committed to spreading his priceless teachings.

Since its inception in 2016, Atmatva has been an active force of transformation in Noida, Delhi NCR as well as all over India and Overseas through e-seminars organised with eminent speakers and trainers from the national and international community. From teaching soulful meditations that are great for chakra balancing as well as healing, to workshops that teach powerful alternative healing techniques that use energy, Atmatva is a respected and established presence in the national capital.

Having touched many lives and supported the healing of complex physical as well as emotional & psychological disorders through pranic healing, Atmatva is dedicated to creating a community where people are equipped with the tools necessary to express their full potential and live balanced, healthy lives.

From healing camps in the neighbourhood and beyond, to stress relief workshops, meditation sessions and charitable initiatives, Atmatva is committed to nurturing the soul, strengthening the body and inspiring the mind.

About the Teacher

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui,
Founder of Modern Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga

Meet our teacher

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

The man behind the priceless teachings. A great spiritual leader with a mission to alleviate suffering and a vision to manifest “Heaven on Earth”.

He, who embodied every aspect of the teachings, leaving behind a rich legacy for generations to come.

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui is the founder of Modern Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga. He dedicated 30 years to conducting detailed experiments and pursuing in-depth research on the esoteric sciences and ancient healing techniques.

Born in the Philippines and raised in a multi-faith household, Master Choa showed an early interest in spirituality. As a teenager, he spent a year pursuing inner purification. This is indicative of the type of intense and focused attention that he gave to all aspects of the school that he established. He spent years mastering various esoteric and healing therapies under highly evolved masters, as well as studying the works of the Rosicrucians, Theosophy, Astara, Huna, Kabbalah, and numerous similar systems. Prepared by all of this, he developed the foundation of Pranic Healing – the principles, concepts, techniques and practical applications.

A chemical engineer, creating structure and being systematic came naturally to him and this practical nature of his guided the development of a step-by-step process for healing every type of physical, emotional and mental ailment. This is the Pranic Healing system of alternative therapy and chakra balancing.

For 20 years, Master Choa continuously traveled around the world, personally teaching and mentoring hundreds of thousands of students in more than 60 countries across 6 continents. By the time of his passing on March 19, 2007, over 100 Pranic Healing Centers had been established in over 90 countries. An author of 25 books, published in more than 30 languages and he taught over 20 distinct courses globally.

A true philanthropist, he funded several initiatives to help the needy. These include the MCKS Trust Fund, Food for the Hungry Foundation and many other charitable organizations in several countries that met the unmet needs of the people as well as worked to raise human consciousness through meditation & other programmes. These non-profit organizations have grown rapidly and continue to carry on his work around the globe.

Atmatva is dedicated to spreading the teachings of Master Choa and sharing the amazing tools that are part of his legacy with as many people as possible to transform lives.

About Nina...

The Persona behind Atmatva
I believe, and so I am – Dr. Nina Saxena

Nina Saxena is an entrepreneur, a vision igniter and a catalyst for people’s transformation. 

A physiotherapist, a postural alignment specialist, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a pranic healer since 2009 and an educator with over 25 years of experience, she offers courses and healing sessions at Atmatva and at Posture Perfected that cover every aspect of life.

From health and finances to family, relationships and career, the offerings are designed to help you realise your highest potential

Nina believes that each and every person has a wellspring of creative potential within them. Her deepest joy is in seeing people make the journey from being hesitant to embodying confidence and manifesting their true capabilities. Nina’s incredibly diverse background is thanks to her passion for learning as a lifelong practice. A trained physiotherapist, she has worked at Apollo Hospitals, Delhi as well as with the Armed Forces Clinic in Noida. She is a Certified Pranic Psychotherapist, Healer and Pranic Healing instructor and she skillfully blends pranic healing techniques with physiotherapy to achieve fast and effective results. Additionally, Nina is a certified Postural Alignment Specialist from the Egoscue University, U.SA., one of the very few practicing postural alignment specialists in India, and she works with this knowledge to help people live a pain-free and optimally functional life. 

Having been a student of literature and the arts, Nina is fluent in Italian & French. She has been a guest lecturer and teacher-trainer at the Italian Embassy Cultural Center, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Jamia Millia Islamia University and Delhi University, and has hosted quizzes and food & wine events.

A dynamic speaker, Nina has dedicated herself to sharing the knowledge that she has gathered from her rich experiences. She was a speaker at the Women’s Economic Forum (WEF), an international forum for women’s leadership, friendship and entrepreneurship. In addition, she has been a guest speaker at the Rotary Club, Shimla; Max Hospitals, Delhi; IGMC, Shimla, and at various NCC camps.

Nina’s vision is to spread the message of the very real possibility of a healthier, wealthier, passionate and purposeful life – with success in business or career, reigniting your relationship or discovering who you really are. At Atmatva – her Center for Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga Practices, and at Posture Perfected, her clinic for Postural Alignment Therapy- in Noida, the carefully designed training sessions and group workshops are aimed at bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Book an appointment for a life changing experience!

Our Studio

Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga Center

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